Given the present climate emergency affecting our planet, inaction or delay is not an option we can afford. These are generation-defining challenges and we have a moral obligation to do our part.
A commitment is a declaration of a pledge or promise. Acting on our stated commitments causes real impact, and that is our Sustainability purpose: to keep our planet livable for all.
Sustainability reporting is perhaps the most complex of all reporting schemes as it aims to collect and present useful and diverse data from a variety of sources. Furthermore, we report in accordance with the GRI’s eight reporting principles of Accuracy, Balance, Clarity, Comparability, Completeness, Sustainability context, Timeliness, and Verifiability.
Materiality Assessment
A materiality assessment was conducted with internal and external stakeholders to define material topics for our organization.
Our materiality matrix is shown below.

Lamberti S.p.A. is a private company with a traditional governance system in place that delegates specific responsibilities to the Board of Directors, the Board of Statutory Auditors and the Shareholders' Meeting.
As regards the Group's Board of Directors, the Shareholders' Meeting held on 29 June 2021 appointed a new Board of Directors consisting of five members who will be in charge until 31 December 2023.
The Board of Statutory Auditors was also re-elected on 29 June 2021. It consists of three auditors and two alternate auditors and will be in office until 31 December 2023.

we are. Commitments

Our Governance structure sets commitment objectives and converts them into actionable projects.
Our Executive Committee (EC) manages and oversees our impact on the Economy, Environment and People, and decides on our strategic direction.
Our Sustainability Steering Committee (SSC) analyzes each strategic decision and converts it into actionable projects. The SSC creates subject-matter working groups tasked with project execution.
The SSC reports regularly to the EC on project progress.
Click here to see our commitments and targets achieved and click here to see our Topic Boundaries.