Leadership Statements for Sustainability Reporting 2021
First of all, I would like to thank all Lamberti employees and in particular those involved in the sustainability project for their commitment and the results obtained.
After the pandemic, we are facing a critical and emergency period, which entails a slowdown in decarbonisation projects. Our task, like that of the entire industrial sector, is to be able to combine emergency management with the continuity and implementation of the objectives set out in our Sustainability Report.
We are convinced that full sustainability is the result of the balance of 3 essential aspects: the environmental, social and economic aspects.
These are the principles that must inspire our present and even more future actions, for the harmonious development of our Group in full respect of all stakeholders.
The ecological transition is a long and continuous journey that must also coincide with a change in our current mindset and life habits.
I will never stop arguing that "the infinite paths of chemistry" will accompany us in this evolution beyond the horizon known to us and we will reach goals that are unimaginable today.
Unexpected external factors, much less welcome, are causing slowdowns in this process. These causes have perhaps also highlighted how the ecological transition is similar to a relay race. The timing and conditions of the athlete, who hands off the baton and of the one who collects it for the final effort, must be carefully considered.
Likewise, all the elements that contribute to the ecological transition must be examined, planned, and prepared so as not to jeopardize the goal which is the development of present and future generations. Lamberti believes in this goal and has chosen to play a leading role in its achievement.
I wish to thank all the collaborators for the continuous and assiduous commitment to our project.
After a disruptive period which pushed us to redesign our way of relating with our employees, customers and all stakeholders, during 2021 we have seen a deeper rooting of the concept of sustainability all over the Group, which demonstrated a high level of responsibility to achieve impactful results.
Sustainability in Lamberti is not a glaring declaration but actions, investments and commitments. Our research, industrial investment and business development programs take this into account. As a pragmatic example, the quantity of water withdrawing is decreasing 8% vs. 2019.
Sustainability is fully included in our internal process of approval when we open a new R&D project, an essential step of this procedure being the selection of renewable raw materials whenever possible.
A dedicated team works on LCA calculations and carbon footprint analysis to fully support customers increasing requirements about the products’ environmental impact.
Lamberti has voluntarily submitted its activities to assessment for quality, environmental care and safety long before it was required by law and we are particularly proud of our results in promoting safety and prevention as a key metric.
IF (*) achieved in 2021 is 2,84 and it’s improving on yearly basis since 2017.
I want to thank all Lamberti employees and particularly colleagues working in our factories for the continuous commitment on safety.
(*) IF = Lta/1,000,000 work hours