Conversation with Jitendra Pratap Singh, CEO of PANS INDIA
Lamberti's initiative in Ramsar Palawala, a farmers' village in the state of Rajasthan had the objective to motivate women to pursue basic formal education and make them financially stronger to support the family needs, advance gender equality and positively impact their children's education.
The program has been developed and carried out by PANS (People's Awareness Network Society).
50 women have been trained for 3 months in stitching, embroidery, crochet.
Their handcrafts have been made from waste fabrics and were sold in exhibitions and through other channels.
Empowering women in rural India
Ramsar Palawala village
“She Dares” is unique and one of its kind project where the focus is not on the number of participants but the impact that the project is creating on the number of households of the farming community in the village Ramsar Palawala. The "She Dares" project is filling the gap where not only vocational training is happening but also the support of women is ensured so that the project is sustainable and their regular income can be ensured. The women have the due respect, which was never available to them prior. I believe that the unique approach of the project makes it stand out from the other vocational training programs running in India. We have also focused on climate change and the environment by using waste fabric as raw material for training as well as production for making upcycled products.
“She Dares” is a ground breaking project which focuses on women's social rights in addition to empowering them financially. Twelve women have taken up different projects to stand for women-related issues such as, child marriage, girl child education, domestic violence, etc. They showcased theatre performances and generated awareness about these social issues. The project is also supporting education of the children by utilizing the same place as evening school.
Gender equality
Although the Indian culture itself provides equal status to all the genders including transgender, the historical experiences on Indian sub-continent had raised security concerns, which led to over protection of women that eventually became a social pattern resulting in gender inequalities. This historical distortion of our culture has put us in a situation where gender inequality is visible countrywide. It is our responsibility to empower women socially and economically and get them due respect and confidence. Men at Ramsar Palawala village have started considering women their equal. It's a long process to be visible on a large scale but we are proud to share some specific stories from the village.
Sushila Sharma, wife of a farmer said: "A community mobilizer of PANS team came to my house and spoke to my father-in-law about a training program starting in village Ramsar Palawala. I shared my wish to join the program and looking at the reputation of PANS my father-in-law agreed to send me. After the three months training and for six months I am having consistent income and supporting my family. I am proud to be an earning member of the family and can support my husband and father-in-law. It is 180 degree shift in my life.”
Bali Dhanka, having partial visual impairment and wife of a sick man is an active participant at the community center. She says: "Who would have given me a job at this age, I am 50 now, I never imagined I would ever be able to earn if not for this center. I fill cotton in toys and other products. I am not very skilled but still earn substantial amount to support my husband. I am thankful to this program and how it is supporting the livelihood of so many women."
“She Dares” is a project capable of delivering this kind of uplifting in these rural areas. Therefore, such project in my opinion should be continued and replicated in other regions deprived of such opportunities.
Lamberti India team's involvement
Participants with the artist Padmaran
I believe that the project so far has been a huge success in terms of the impact we have been able to create.
Mahendra Tripathi, Country General Manager & Executive Director of Lamberti India has been a constant support throughout this project. He takes keen interest in the program and the impact of the project.
We appreciate Lamberti India not only for financial support but also for regular guidance and interaction to make the project successful.
Lamberti India has always bestowed trust in our work and I would like to extend my heartiest thanks to Lamberti for providing freedom for creativity and innovation.