Our Safety, Health, Environmental Protection and Quality Policy, highlights how workers shall “assume respect for Safety, Health and the Environment as a guiding element in corporate decision-making processes, both in protecting workers and respecting the needs of surrounding communities.”
Health and Safety management system
we are. HSE
Our occupational health and safety management system programs constantly analyze and keep track of the main potential risks through employee engagement and using new technologies in extensive and dedicated training sessions for our entire workforce on emergency scenarios.
We dedicated and certified employee-training sessions on emergency preparedness.
Additionally, we ensure that only workers who have received an adequate instruction and specific training on work-related hazards of their respective work areas that expose them to a serious, specific risks. We promptly take measures to control risk situations and require workers, in the event of serious, immediate and unavoidable danger, to leave their workplace or dangerous area.
Our Italian plants have a representative of workers for health, safety and environment (RLSSA) who liaises with the employer concerning H&S matters. The representative is informed of the planned and ongoing projects and their progress and is consulted on the drafting and updating of the HSEQ Policy and Plan, updates the Emergency Plan and is directly involved in the analysis of accidents / near accidents, and non-conformities. The representative is also involved in the preparation of the Risk Assessment Document and he is part of the working group that evaluates the changes / modifications.
Similar representatives and committees exist at Group level namely as we comply with OSHA and ISO standards for management systems of occupational health and safety at various global sites. In our 2019 and 2020 reports, we announced our Group’s specific commitment to add two new sites with the ISO standard for management systems of occupational health and safety ISO 45001. This commitment has been successfully completed, raising the number of ISO 45001 certified sites to six, or 31,6% of total sites, during 2021. As announced in our 2019 and 2020 reports, we maintain our commitment to add another two ISO 45001 sites in 2022.
Our occupational safety programs
Our occupational safety programs cover our activities of research, development, production and sale of specialty chemicals; they embrace the following aspects:
Roles and responsibilities
Processes and correlated documents
Planning procedures and review of projects
Process risk management
Management of changes
Plant integrity
Human factors
Training and performance
Incidents analysis
Laws, regulations and standards
Inspections and corrective actions
Improvement of performance knowledge
The numbers of hours worked in 2021 was:
For employees 2.114.962
For external workers 57.476

A proactive approach
In addition to closely monitoring our operations to minimize the number of accidents and training of all employees in occupational health and safety, we are implementing several Behavior Based Safety (BBS) Training plans. We follow lost time accident (LTA) as defined by the US Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) General recording criteria* “recordable incident in which an employee is not able to return to work or is assigned restricted work on the day or shift following the incident”. Our Group’s Frequency Index (N° LTA/1.000.000 work hours) in 2021 was 2,84.
While there were no fatalities as result of work-related ill health, there were five incidents of work-related ill health recorded; four by employees and one by an external worker, all incidents at USA plants.
All Group employees in the perimeter of this report have been included in this disclosure. Regarding contextual information to understand how the data was compiled, for Italian plants, the plant managers are not covered by occupational health and management systems. All data was compiled in accordance with applicable local laws.
* https://www.osha.gov/laws-regs/regulations/standardnumber/1904/1904.7