Water resource management
Water is a resource with a high impact on the economy, environment and people. Negative impacts would occur if there is the risk that water available would be less than the amount expected. As several of our key manufacturing operations are located in northern Italy, our operations there were very close to being impacted by water shortages throughout 2022. We have adopted and set specific commitments at Group level for reductions of our water footprint. We have started engagement with internal stakeholders to promote and explain our water stewardship actions.
Since our inaugural sustainability report for year 2019, we have reduced our water withdrawal footprint by 13,9%.
Water consumption is the difference between water withdrawal and water discharged. Back in 2019 we assumed a specific commitment on water stewardship at Group level to reduce that year’s consumption levels by 15% in year 2023. In year 2022 with total Group water consumption at 467 ML we reduced 2019’s by 6,5%.