Training and development

Our people are the driving force behind our scientific research, manufacturing expertise, commercial acumen, and a long list of attributes that makes our organization unique. It is at the intersection of these attributes that our organization thrives and ultimately creates value to its stakeholders.

Total training hours, 2022

Employment Category Female Male Totals
Executives & Managers 1.805  4.500 6.305
Office Workers * 4.151 6.752 10.903
Non-office Workers ** 481 8.476 8.957
Totals 6.437 19.728 26.165

* defined as white collar
** defined as blue collar

Average training hours, 2022

Employment Category Female Male Total Average
Executives & Managers 30,08 26,00 27,05
Office Workers * 20,44 25,86 23,49
Non-Office Workers ** 28,31 19,53 19,86
Total Average 22,99 22,72 22,79

* defined as white collar
** defined as blue collar